**WARNING: This post may be of extreme length. I wanted to fit all of December in one post!
If you look closely in the background, you can see the potholder Versii placed on the tree. The have loops, so they must be ornaments right?
Dec. 5th - Paxton climbed into the laundry basket, all by himself.
Dec. 5th - Outdoor fun!

Dec. 7th - Christmas came early?!
Dec. 8th - Paxton

A Very Mario Christmas to you!

Versii was so excited that Santa gave him a truck and trailer and tracter. On the way home he said, "I Santa give more." --Oh, he also saw Santa getting in a car, at the end of the night. So when my brother asked him if he knew what Santa drove, he said, "A car."
Dec. 7th - Christmas came early?!
Kaden had showed Versii all his presents, so one day when I went into the laundry room to switch the laundry, this is what I come out to find. I was only in there for 5 minutes and he already openned 3 presents!
Dec. 8th - Paxton
Dec. 15th - Christmas with Kaden
This was Kaden's year to spend Christmas with his Mama, so Santa came early to our house and brought Kaden a Nintendo DS with some games. Of course he knew about Kaden's love for Mario. We let Versii open one present too. And Paxton was just happy with the wrapping paper.
A Very Mario Christmas to you!
Dec. 18th - Playing at the Park
Dec. 18th - Versii's new short haircut
This is the first time we've shaved Si's head. He hates getting his hair cut, screams bloody murder! But the kid has calics like you wouldn't believe, so the back half of his hair just sticks straight up most of the time now.

Dec. 19th - A Visit with Santa Claus
Dec. 19th - A Visit with Santa Claus

Versii was so excited that Santa gave him a truck and trailer and tracter. On the way home he said, "I Santa give more." --Oh, he also saw Santa getting in a car, at the end of the night. So when my brother asked him if he knew what Santa drove, he said, "A car."