Under the Knife
On wednesday, Joshua went into the hospital for surgery to fix his deviated septum and remove a bunch of polyps and widen the terbinates (Josh wanted me to add that last part). They chose not to put him under general anesthesia. They gave him local anesthesia and then some amnesia drug to keep him alert, but calm. He doesn't remember a thing, except that he apparently woke up during the surgery and jerked his head to the side. And at that point, he said the doctor grabbed his head to hold it still and they added more drugs to the IV. He doesn't remember anything after that. Anyway, what's funny is that the nurse thought he was so young, when she came into the family waiting room, she said, "Parents or guardian of Joshua Owens?" --I answered, "I'm his wife." And she said, "Oh, he looked so young. Are his parents here?" --FUNNY! Anyway, he's recovering well. He's not on any drugs, since they were making him too sick. He said that he'd rather be in pain, then sick. His nose looked huge right after the surgery, but the morning after, when he was aloud to remove all the gauze they packed it with, it looks normal again. He's still a little swollen, but I don't think you can tell. The doctor said the swelling inside will go down next week and he should be able to breath normally again.
Glad that it all went well. And really glad his nose id back to normal size.
I'm with Josh, they probably gave him something with codeine in it (codeine makes me throw up!) I'd rather be in pain than sick too! I'm glad his nose isn't Gonzormous anymore! Get better soon!
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