Sound the ALARM, Josh is 29 - Literally!
This morning at 2:55 am, we were awakened by our smoke detectors going off. (--Let me just say, newer isn't always better: We have those new smoke alarms that are hard-wired in the house, so they never need the batteries to be replaced. Their internal batteries are constantly being recharged.--) With that said, Josh would have slept through it, if I hadn't frantically wokeen him just before it stopped. For a minute, I didn't hear anything from the boys room, so I thought maybe they slept through it too. But then I heard their door. Kaden was scared and Versii woke up then too. While Josh was getting some milk for Versii to calm him down, the alarm went off again at 3:00 am. LOUD, PIERCING sounds are not soothing during the night...if ever! I hate being woken up to an alarm clock that buzzes! I have to be woken up to music or...well, Versii crying is my current alarm clock. ---But back to the story: Mom woke up too and came to investigate. No smoke, no fire! That was a blessing, but then the alarm went off again, at 3:05 am! Josh says maybe we are being reminded to prepare for something in the future...I hope that's not the case. At any rate Versii started screaming and when he calmed down we tried to put the boys in bed. Versiiimmediately started having a tantrum and I thought I would rock him for a bit. I rocked him until I thought he fell asleep and when I tried to lay him down again, he's eyes flew open and he started screaming. He screamed and cried from his room for an hour. Saying things like, "Mommy, I poo poo. Diker change, diker change....Mommy! Mommy!" I finally went to investigate and he had not pooed, like he said, but I rocked him some more. Again I tried to put him in his crib and the screaming started. To save everyone in the family from the retched sound, I finally brought him to bed with us. That was 5 am. ---Somehow Kaden managed to fall back to sleep amid the screaming and Paxton slept through it all...well almost. I had to feed him around 4:30 am. ---Anyway,se. Happy Birthday to Joshua! What a way to wake up on your birthday! I hope your day gets better...we're going to let you sleep in! It really is lucky that you have the day off of school!
We have an alarm outside our bedroom door that makes this annoying beeping sound when the batteries are going bad. I can hear it but Tom cannot. We changed them the other day when it happened and then it did it again the other night when I was sick. I had to have him get up and put different ones in about 1:30 in the morning. These are ones the electrician put in.. I think I am going to get a different one for outside the bedroom. I really like my sleep! Happy Birthday to Josh
That stinks. I guess the alarm system just wanted to wish Josh a happy birthday too.
not the ideal way to be awakened on one's birthday, to be sure. funny, though :) Hope Josh had a happy birthday, anyway :D
in Idaho (or at least Bannock County) it is against code to have a hard-wired smoke alarm. They say because if it is an electrical fire or if your power goes out, which it often does when there is a fire, the smoke detector wouldn't work. When they inspect a house that you are selling or buying, they check them out to make sure they all have real, working batteries...
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