Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Goodbye Utah

February 28, 2013 
After 9 months in Utah, we decided it was time to pack up and move back to Oregon.  We enjoyed our short stay there and were sad to say goodbye to our friends and neighbors.
Above: The boys with their friends (our neighbors) Gavin and Sky.  
(Just a little side note: The boys love Sky. Versii and Paxton both wanted to marry Sky, but Versii said "She said something about me...so Paxton, you have to marry someone else.")
Josh and I with our neighbor, Sharon.  
He helped us out countless times.
We love you Sharon!  Thank you so much!

Our good friends, the Wescotts!
(Who graciously agreed to rent our beautifully remodeled house. Enjoy it!  I will miss it.)  
We will miss you! But Sam, I will miss you most of all!
You are an amazing friend!  I can't even tell you how much you mean to me!  I love you!
Thanks for everything you've done for us!
Top Left: Sam and I with baby Whitney
Top Right: Josh and Kyle

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