Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Oh the things they say...

I just found a bunch of notes of some of the funny things my boys have said that we wanted to remember.  It's definitely fun to recall their thoughts later in for your entertainment and mine...

Jan 26, 2011
Kaden (age 7): "Yeah Versii, you won't like when you grow up.  You'll have to make your own bed...You'll play nintendo too much...and you'll have to marry a girl...that looks like this!" (Kaden stands in front of the mirror holding a shirt over his chest.)
Jan 27, 2011
Versii (age 3): (Hand to his ear) "Mommy, I hear the spirit of Jesus' words"
Apr 8, 2011
Kaden (age 7): "Mom, Versii thinks too much...and I barely even think at all!"
Feb 27, 2014
Kaden (age 10): Speaking to his brother who was copying what he said: "If you want to copy something, copy this...(points to a big zit on his forehead and starts laughing)"
May 27, 2014
As I tucked Kaden in, he tells me he's scared after finding a dark ender portal in Minecraft.  I tell him when I was scared, as a kid, I used to sing the theme song from My Little Pony's to myself.  Kaden (age 11): "Wait!  There was TV when you were a kid?...That was like 30 years ago!  I thought TV was only invented 20 years ago."

Feb 10, 2015
Paxton (age 5): "We don't drink coffee.  I'm never gonna drink coffee! Right Mom?"
Me: "Yes, Paxton, we don't drink coffee."
Paxton: "Mimi drinks coffee.  We need to call her and tell her to stop drinking coffee.  (Pause)  Wait, do old people need to drink coffee?"
Jun 18, 2015
Versii (age 8), looking at the church by Aunt Joy's house: "That looks like an awkward church...but okay!"
Dec 23, 2015
Our neighbor Barb had just brought over a plate of treats, Versii (age 8) says: "You know Barb is just like our Grandma...she spoils us!"
Feb 5, 2016
Paxton (age 6): "I want a diary Mom!"
Versii (age 8): "Paxton, you don't want a diary!  Diaries are terrible because then if somebody found out about it, then they would know almost everything about you.  I keep it all in my head...that way no one can know about it."

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