Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Let the Sun Shine

I love the sun, but when the temperature gets over 75 or 80 degrees, it just too hot for comfort. Being born in Alaska, I've never enjoyed really hot weather. And now that it's been so hot here in Portland, it's even less enjoyable, since we had no air conditioning. I couldn't even go inside to avoid the suffering heat...that is until yesterday. We finally got air conditioning! Hurray, for the heat has met it's match! Our house felt a little like a refrigerator. It was great to feel the cool air coming out of the vents. I'm so happy. Don't worry, I still sympathise with those of you who have to suffer these next fews days without it. You're welcome to hang out with me.


Linds said...

I hate that there's not air conditioning anywhere here. It stupid! I'm from Arizona so I know about the heat, but I also know you HAVE to have air conditioning. If it gets over 75, you need it!

Brittany said...

Wow -- life without A/C? I don't know how you did it. Just be glad you don't have humidity along with those high temperatures -- it makes it so much worse! :) That is one thing I will not miss about living on the East Coast!

Amy said...

Wow, never move to the east coast. I sweat just standing outside. Humidity and 90 degree weather do not make a good pair. I can't believe you've never had A/C before?

The Lara Family said...

I'm so happy you got A/C in time for my visit. I am too used to having A/C everywhere here in Texas.