Monday, October 12, 2009

Some September Shots

Sep. 5th - Here are all my boys. Kaden (age 6), Paxton (14 weeks), and Versii (age 2)

Sep. 7th - Kaden showing off the Lego helicopter he built. Versii calls helicopters, "he ca ca."

Sep. 8th - Our big 1st Grader: Kaden's 1st day of school. And here's Versii...having a tantrum because he didn't get to go.

Sep. 8
th - Paxton playing in his new jumper. He was very interested in all the new toys.
(14 weeks old)

Versii got to help drop Kaden off on his 2nd day and see his classroom. I don't think he wanted to leave.

Sep. 9
th -
Kaden's 2nd day of school. I didn't bring the camera on the first day, so here he is at his desk and with his teacher, Mr. Hess.

Sep. 16th -
These two pictures are so funny, since it looks like Versii is picking his nose and then eating his buggers. He's actually not, but I've seen him do it before.

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