Sunday, August 22, 2021

Washington Utah: First Day Adventures

June 30, 2021
Mom, Dad and the boys got up early and took Dad's boat out to Gunlock Reservoir to fish.

They caught one fish, but had a great time!

We drove past the construction site for the new temple being built in Washington, Utah.
Julie took Dad, Brielle, Josh and I to Littlefield, Arizona, (Just on the border of Utah and Arizona) to see Glitter Mountain, a selenite mining pit.  Mom and boys stayed at the house to relax after their early morning fishing expedition. 
Selenite is also known as "Utah Ice".  The crystals glitter in the sun, which makes sense why it is called "Glitter Mountain".

Paxton's best friend, Washington, moved to New Mexico near the end of May.  And Paxton has really been missing him.  I happened to see a post on FaceBook his Mom had posted about their new place.  And in the comments see mentioned that Washington was staying with his Grandparents in Utah.  So I messaged her to see where in Utah they were, thinking that maybe we could stop by if he was anywhere along our drive home.  It turned out he was staying less than an hour away and his Mom had sisters who routinely drive between Saint George and his Grandparents.  So she arranged to have Washington ride over to Saint George with her sister, so he could stay a few days with us.  We stopped to pick him up on our way home from Glitter Mountain.  The boys had no idea, but we checked in with Mom on our way home to find out the boys were in the pool.  So we decided to have Washington change into his suit and jump into the pool to surprise Paxton!  
He was surprised, but his reaction was so funny!  "Finally!" and "That's so weird!"
Paxton and Washington, hanging out in the pool in Washington, Utah.

Hanging out on the porch with Julie, Michael and Brielle.

Pax and Wash enjoying time relaxing in the hot tub at night.  

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