Sunday, May 22, 2022

February 2022 Highlights

February 1, 2022: I took the boys to Costco with me and we came across this air fryer.  I said that I had heard several people love air fryers and Kaden said, "Yes, we need an air fryer! I can use it to cook so many things."  -Well, we bought an air fryer, and we have used it several times.  It makes a really great grilled cheese.  The boys have baked all sorts of frozen foods in it.  I have cooked chicken and asparagus.  It's like a tiny oven, but you don't have to wait for the oven to heat up first and it cooks so fast.  So we're happy with it!
February 5th
Kaden's Clark College Diploma came in the mail!  
He earned his Associates degree in general studies and we're so proud of him!

February 8th: Kaden testing out the VR headset.
Kaden's Graduation dinner at Ruth Chris Steakhouse.  
Josh and I love Ruth Chris, but this is the first time we took the boys there to eat as a family.
They loved everything we ordered and thought it was just absolutely amazing!  

February 10: Our cats Cerin and Khaleesi
February 15: Versii had an appointment to get checked out at Doernbecher's to determine if he had scoliosis, as he had been experiencing a lot of back pain.  After looking at his x-rays, the doctor told us that the curve of his spine was about 6% and it has to be over 10% to be considered scoliosis.  So he said that the best thing for Versii would just be to continue doing physical therapy exercises to strengthen his spine and back.
We laughed, because instead of having Versii put on one of those paper gowns, they just had him put on these oversized flannel boxer-type shorts.  
February 16th: Josh and I celebrating 16 years of marriage! 
I joked that it was our golden anniversary, since we were celebrating 16 years on the 16th and that was one of those lifetime dates that would never happen again.
We went out to Billygan's roadhouse for dinner.
February 17th: Sweet little Tux sucking on his bed.
This is a funny little video of Josh loudly enjoying ice cream and driving Tux crazy!
Tux always loves to lick the bowl clean when you're done eating your ice cream.
February 20th: A woman in our ward belongs to a group that helps orphaned children in the Ukraine. 
They asked for volunteers to make cards to put with the packages of supplies they provide to the kids.  They wanted them to only say "You are loved" or "We love you".  So I had fun making up several of these little cards for them.

February 20th: Tux always patiently waiting to like your plate.
February 23rd: Meeting some of the ladies from church at Panera for lunch group.
We had a fun time!
February 23rd: I picked up a few fun fake plants to decorate this planter box that was gifted to us.
February 24th: Josh's new Ford Bronco.  
He says he's always wanted a fun car he can go anywhere in and this is it!


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