Sunday, May 22, 2022

Kaden's Mission Book

February 28, 2022
In preparing for Kaden to serve a mission, I came across a list that a Mom of a few missionaries made up of things she thought we should do.  One of them was to send your missionary off with a small photo album of family photos that they can look at when they're missing home.  I thought that was a good idea and I thought, but why not also add some letters or messages from the people he loves that he can read when he needs to feel our love.  So I messaged the family and friends closest to Kaden to write his words of love and advice.  Then I added photos of them with their letters.

We each wrote him letters and added photos.
Here are just a few examples of the pages...

I found a world map and added some quotes.  The plan was to fill in the area of Kaden's mission once his call came, since I didn't know where he was called to serve yet, when I ordered his book.
The letters from his Grandma and Grandpa Thatcher and Great Grandma Black.

Letters from his two best friends: Ajah and Gabe.

My plan was to give Kaden the book on the day we went to the temple with him, but I was so excited when it arrived, that I couldn't wait!  I just had to give it to him right away. 
He loved it and said he cried as he read all the letters.  
I absolutely love how it turned out!  This is a gift he can treasure and will hopefully bring him peace and comfort when he's away.  
And the bonus is that I made it on Shutterfly, so if anything happens to his book or it's lost, I can simply order him a new copy.  

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