Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Versii!

May 23, 2011
Happy 4th Birthday Versii!
It's hard to believe he is 4 now.
One more year and he'll be in school!

Versii admiring all his new birthday trucks.
(What's funny is, this year we let the boys pick out their own birthday gifts and yet Versii was still surprised when he opened them today.)
The garbage truck is the 4th garbage truck in his collection. Loves them for some reason! His favorite book is called "I Stink!" A book about, what else? A garbage truck.

Versii picked out mini chocolate cupcakes, sugar cookies & brownies for his birthday!

He also received a card & money from Great Grandma.
In it, she talked about the "Happy Clock" (a clock Versii dubbed the "Happy Clock", one that plays music & the face moves every hour) ---Versii put his hand up to his ear and said, "Hey I think I hear that happy clock!"

Birthday Measurements: Versii is 43.25 inches tall now and weighs 39 lbs.
He's grown 3 and 1/2 inches this past year!

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