Sunday, May 9, 2021

March 2021 Highlights

March 6, 2021 Sweet little sleeping Tux.  I found out a day or two before I flew home that Josh had tested positive for Covid.  He was super sick and in bed.  So, Kaden picked me up from the airport and I started taking care of Josh.  Bringing in food and drink, then taking out dishes.  Also I bought one of those pulse oximeters to check his oxygen levels.  Luckily, we still had an inhaler and prescription cough syrup from when we had Covid just over a year ago (last February).  His oxygen did drop down into the 80 range several times, but he insisted that he would be fine in the morning and to just let him sleep.  He was just as sick as the first time, but now knowing about Covid symptoms, was more aware of them and seems to experience mostly all the major symptoms including loss of taste.

March 11th.

March 18th: From the moment I got home from Utah, I had resolved to sleep in the guest bed downstairs until Josh's isolation period ended, and I did.  I wore a mask the entire time I entered the room each time to take care of Josh and sanitized everything on the way out.  But I still managed to get sick.  I tested positive for Covid 19 on March 18th.  Fortunately, my neighbor happened to be outside the day I came home from Utah and when I mentioned Josh had Covid, she told me about a combination of supplements she had read about online that I should take to help prevent me from getting sick or not as sick.  The combo is: Quercetin, Vitamin C and Zinc.  I ran out to the store and bought them the day I came home.  I tried giving them to Josh and he couldn't keep anything down and refused to take them after that.  I started taking them 12 days before I tested positive.
I took 500mg Quercetin, 1250mg Vitamin C and 50mg Zinc every day.  
They did not prevent me from getting sick, but I am sure that they kept me from getting as sick as Josh.  Taking these supplements was the one thing I did differently from last year, when I was so super sick.  This time, I was extremely tired, and I did have a small cough, but mostly my body just stayed in that state were you feel the symptoms starting like you're going to get sick, but then never do fully get sick.  I also tried to get lots of rest, napping and going to bed early every chance I could.  The whole family quarantined for 14 days after I tested positive and really only Kaden got sick.  He was sick before me actually and had literally every symptom Josh had, but it only lasted 2 days.  By the time Kaden woke up on the 3rd day, all his symptoms were gone, even the cough!  The young really do heal more quickly.
March 19th: Happy Happy 69th Birthday to my Mom!  We didn't get to be there to celebrate with her, but we sent her a nice fruit bouquet.  Love you Mom!

March 23rd: Sweet little mischievous Tux.  We're just in love with him!
Our cats love cardboard boxes.  If you leave a box around, they are sure to jump into it and make themselves comfortable.  Here's Khaleesi trying to stuff herself into a small applesauce box.
These boxes came from Costco and Khaleesi was pretty much parked in this box for hours after we brought it home and unloaded it on the table.  Well Cerin, must have been lying in wait, for her turn in the box.  As soon as I went to feed the cats and Khaleesi vacated the box to eat her dinner, Cerin raced up to the table and jumped into the box!  It was so funny!  
March 28th: Enjoying a nice Family Dinner, kind of a pre-Easter celebration with my brothers: Jeff and Reed and their families.
The cousins: Chris, Versii, Kaden, Paxton, Morgan and Loren.  (Minus Katie and Brandon, who were there, just sitting or roaming around.)
Even Uncle Leo and Aunt Becky drove up to say hello.

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