Saturday, May 4, 2019

Car Accident!

February 19, 2019
My friend Annalei and I were on our way to the Temple on I-84 when the car ahead of us suddenly stopped.  We then came to a sudden stop, but unfortunately the truck traveling behind us was unable to stop before slamming into us.  I glanced over to the side mirror for a moment when I heard screeching and I saw smoke coming from his tires.  It all happened so quickly and upon impact, my head flew backward against the headrest.  Annalei and I were in shock!  Did this really just happen?
We were able to exit the freeway and find a safe place to exchange information.  I could feel the effects of the accident within a few minutes, as I began to have pain in my head, neck and back, I knew I would be feeling horrible the next day.  Although in that moment I thought it would be a bad case of whiplash.  
After exchanging information, we decided to continue on to the temple.  We had already tried to go the month before and ended up there on the first day of the closure for cleaning.  So this was already our 2nd attempt to go.  
I really wanted to be there so badly and feel the peace and calm that I always feel when I am there.  We managed to complete the session, but while we were sitting there Annalei and I looked at each other and acknowledged the pain we were both feeling.  I am happy that we finally made it despite enduring such a trial, but I must say it was the most uncomfortable I have ever been in a place that usually brings me such peace.  
After making it home and feeling quite miserable at this point, the decision was made that I should go to urgent care to be checked out and then an appointment scheduled with a trusted Chiropractor we know who did X-rays and sent me for an MRI.  It has been determined that on top of the whiplash I suffered, I have instability in my neck and 2 bulging discs as well as a myriad of other symptoms being caused by the instability and post concussive syndrome.  Symptoms like nausea most of the day, fatigue, vision problems, trouble tracking with my eyes, daily headaches, neck pain, something something that feels like panic attacks, tightness in my chest, numbness and tingling in my hands and feet and numbness and pressure with an icy-cold sensation in my head and neck...just to name a few.  It has been miserable to say the least!
It is crazy how your life can be forever altered so drastically in an instant.  My body will never be the same.  Treasure all the good moments that you have while you can.  I am really trying to focus on the good, but my current condition has left me feeling discouraged and overwhelmed.  

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